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Games247 Studios

A member registered Jun 09, 2020

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Physics just makes me go:   Y E S ,   Physics. ( •  ʖ  • )

this is sort of like: "Catastrophe Crow! 64". It does look cool though,

Dang, this is better than any 2D game ever bruh (   ͡• ͜ ʖ   ͡• )

i think i am going to make a game out of this and post it on

¯\_(ツ)_/¯  maybe....

this is AMAZING! its JUST LIKE human fall flat. I LOVE THIS GaMe!


           mm     (  ͡•   ʖ ͡• )    mm

This is probably and definitely the MOST WIERDEST game EVER LOL XD  

Yes, I did make the picture in fact, I made that in MS Paint... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

After all, it took me about an hour to make.

( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )

I mean, hey... At least the Juice Guy wears a hat... and also it I am still not so sure if the Juice Guy is a Human or not lmao... 😂🤣 Well, at least he hopefully he isn't part of the illuminati ⨹

( Shirt, Shorts, and heck, maybe even shoes! ( Maybe a Yankee with no brim hat would be 👌 A - Ok ) But, the game is already good as it is... I mean hey, it's not my video game and it's not my decision to make but it would be up to you 🙂

This is Basically WOTW (war of the worlds) only, it's pixel and cartoonish...